Your Children Need Your Help
On this webpage you can find out about math standards I cover with your children, you will find a calendar with upcoming events, but what is most important is that here you will find an information that let you help your children to succeed in math.
Click below to view math standards for :
Where to look for help
If your child was sick you can find notes about the missing material. If your child comes home and complains that he didn't understand the material he/she can look at the videos that provides different methods, or come for after school tutoring. There are also certain formulas that they will have to memorize and you can do alot by quizzing them from time to time.
I try to do my best to provide my students with copy of my notes. However, it is a good idea if your child missed lessons when back to school is to check if there was some additional information given during missing lectures. You can find my notes under the subject your child is studying on the left sidebar
There are variety of videos on the,, khanacademy, or other websites. You can even google them. I picked what I believe are the best and you can find them under the subject your child is studying on the left sidebar.
Tutoring is available after school every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 - 4:30
Useful Links
Wolfram- Computational Knoweldege Engine Wolfram Mathworld -- Encyclopedia of Math Polynomial Grapher MIT OpenCourse -- Free Online Math Courses Function Grapher and Calculator MathHelp - free math help Gizmos-Flash based simulations in Science & Math |